Anesthesia Consent Form

  • Anesthesia Consent Form

  • Recommended Pre-Surgical Testing Options:

    Your pet will undergo full anesthesia today. If there is a pre-existing condition that we are not aware of, it may increase anesthetic risk. If you have any questions, please feel free to discuss them with one of our technicians.


    At RVUC, we offer low cost / high quality spay and neuters. This means that there are additional options you can elect for your pet. Both are recommended, but will add additional cost to your estimate.

  • NOTE:

    If an E-Collar is deemed necessary for your pet, one will be dispensed to you. If you choose to decline, RVUC will not be held accountable for any complications arising from your decision.

    If your pet is found to have parasites (fleas) treatment will be given in hospital to protect the safety of the other pets. You will be responsible for any corresponding charges.

  • Please read and review carefully:

    I am the owner (or authorized agent of the owner) of the animal described above, and have the authority to execute this consent. I understand that some risk always exists with anesthesia, even in apparently healthy animals, including the possibility of death. I have discussed my concerns with the veterinarian. I realize that no guarantee, legal or ethical, can be made to me regarding the outcome of any procedure performed. I hereby authorize the use of anesthetics, as deemed necessary by the veterinarian. I understand that hospital personnel will be employed in treating my pet. I have carefully read, and fully understand, this consent. The fees associated with these services have been explained to me, and I agree to pay such fees in full at the time my pet is released from the hospital.

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